taflu i ffwrdd
to throw away
talu'n llawn
to pay in full
taro i mewn i
to knock into
tatws stwnsh
mashed potato
tatws wedi berwi
boiled potatoes
technoleg gwybodaeth a chyfathrebu / TGCh
information and communication technology / ICT
teimlo o dan straen
to feel stressed
teimlo’n well
to feel better
torri gwynt
to burp, belch
torri i ffwrdd
to cut off
traws gwlad
cross country
to organize, arrange
trwy’r amser
all the time
twmpath dawns
folk dancing evening
tŷ ar wahân
detached house
to take, remove, to pull
tynnu llun
to take a photograph
tynnu lluniau
to take photographs